Solar Software

The ideal software provider

Tired of looking for a reliable software provider? Well good thing you found us. At Solar Software we only release the best of the best products.


Tired of getting banned with detected softwares? We changed the software community standards with our products


Use everything at your own risk, we take no responsibility for it


Quality features do matter, this is why we give a variety of high quality software options for you to use


We understand the frusterating feeling of purchasing a software to have it go down for multiple days for a simple offset update. This is why we setup a system using variables making it possilbe for us to update the software right through discord


Happen to get stuck on something? or maybe just have a question. We have a amazing discord support team that replies as fast as possible to assist you with any issues / needs that you may have.


We offer a variety of plans and packages to suit your needs. Check out our pricing options to find the best deal for you.